How to make Egg Florentine (benedict)




  1. Two eggs
  2. Hollandaise sauce
  3. Hash brown potato
  4. Salad
  5. Gill tomato
  6.  White Vinegar
  7. Salt
  8. English muffin
  9. Spinach
  10. Chop Mushroom 

  •  Cooking Methods 

  • Get the pan add into the  boiling water than add the
  • Salt and white vinegar Beaked the egg in to small bowl than add the egg into  the water

    Live it cooking around 3 minutes “cook it medium cook ”

    Take it from the water  Get the cooking pan reheat it

    Add the butter  add chop onion and chop onion in to the pan cook it for 30 sec

    Add the spinach ,cook all around 2 minutes  

    Cat the English muffin one to two

    Add to etch part butter than toasted

    Add the Florentine top of the  English muffin

    Add the egg after cooking top of the all 


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